Host a foreign exchange student from Denmark
It’s no coincidence that two Danish cities (Aarhus and Copenhagen) are ranked in the top 5 of the latest World Happiness Report. Danes are happy, straight forward people who are passionate about clean energy, furniture and interior design.
By understanding more about our Danish exchange students’ lives back home, it will help you gain insight into their culture and background and prepare you for a successful hosting experience. Let’s start by learning about what’s typical in Danish communication, home life, education and food, as described by our programme participants.
Educational system
Denmark spends more on education than almost any other country in the world. The Danish government pays for their citizens’ education with their welfare system and high taxes. Group projects and class discussions are common in Denmark. Every student in Denmark has a midterm and final exam in junior high school. The results of these are important in granting admission to high school and college. These exams cover many subjects including Danish, English, religious studies, history, math, physics and social studies. Frequent, short tests in class are uncommon. Danish students typically begin to learn English around first grade. In middle school, they will often begin to learn an additional language such as French or German. Around ninth grade, students may choose to attend upper-secondary school, which prepares them for university. They may also choose vocational schools, which prepare them for a profession.
Tip From EF: Danish students don't have to wear an uniform in their secondary school, so this will be a new experience to them. In fact, it's something they're looking forward as part of their exchange. It will be a great to get a picture of them beaming with joy posing for their 'first day of school'.
Danes freely express their feelings and may come across as blunt. It is culturally acceptable to talk about sex, relationships and politics. The Danish language has no word for “please.” It is rude to keep your hands in your pockets during conversation in Denmark. Denmark is an egalitarian society. This is reflected in the Danish language, which employs gender-neutral words.
Tip From EF: Share expectations clearly and directly with your student to ensure that they are understood. Give space for students to ask direct questions, knowing that likely their intention is not to be harsh or offensive, but to better understand. Discuss appropriate language and expectations around using please and thank you.
Hvordan har du det?
How are you?
Food habits
Most Danish families have dinner together every evening if possible. Family time is valued. In Danish homes, the host will ask the guests for second helpings to ensure each person is satisfied. Guests will choose food items directly in front of them, as reaching over a plate is considered impolite. A typical Danish breakfast includes coffee, tea or fruit juice; rolls with cheese or jam; or cereal and milk. Open-faced sandwiches known as “smørrebrød” are the traditional Danish lunch. Rye bread is the traditional bread used for sandwiches. Danish diets are heavy in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is uncommon to eat frozen meals, quick meals and fast food.
Home life
Danish children are allowed a great deal of freedom in making their own decisions. They may be responsible for household chores such as cleaning their own rooms, cooking and other household duties. They also take public transportation regularly at a young age and often ride bicycles. Both Danish parents generally work outside the home. Purchasing some kinds of alcohol is legal at age 16. At the age of 18, Danish youth gain all legal rights, including the right to vote. Danish teenagers tend to go to their room and shut the door to relax after school to get privacy. Danish families may take frequent family vacations as parents usually have around six weeks of paid vacation each year.
Tip From EF: Shortly after your student’s arrival, share your household rules and expectations of them. Share your house rules around keeping their bedroom door open or closed, and speak with your student about good times for them to be alone in their room. .
Jeg glæder mig til at møde min danske udvekslingsstudent!
I am so excited to meet my Danish exchange student!
Pas på vikingerne!
Watch out for Vikings!
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